5 Reasons to See a Dentist Regularly


There are many reasons to visit your dentist regularly. Dentists help keep your teeth healthy and can advise you on preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Here are five reasons why you should see your dentist in Winnipeg at least once every six months:

1. Detecting Cavities Early On

Cavities are a common dental problem that can typically be detected during your routine dental check-up. Not only can your dentist detect cavities early on, they can also provide you with the knowledge and tools to prevent cavities in the future.

Gum disease is something that should be addressed as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment (if needed) from your dentist will help stop the further spread of bacteria into more complicated parts of your mouth or body.

2. Getting Early Treatment Can Save You Time and Money

It's no secret that dental care can be expensive, but with regular visits to the dentist you’ll be able to catch potential oral health problems before they become too severe. The longer you wait to see a dentist, the greater your risk of needing more extensive treatment—which could mean higher costs.

3. Protecting Your Overall Health

The link between dental health and overall health is well-documented. Dental disease can be a severe condition that affects your body's ability to work as it should. As Dr. Harold Katz, DDS states: "The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body."

  • Heart Disease: A study published in Circulation showed that gum disease was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart attacks and strokes.

  • Diabetes: Research has shown that people with periodontal disease are at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes than those without periodontitis. Those with more severe cases had an even higher chance than those with mild gum disease.

  • Cancer: The mouth harbors bacteria and viruses responsible for many types of cancers, including oral cancer, head/neck cancers, and esophageal cancer---the third most common cause of cancer death among men worldwide, according to the American Cancer Society.

4. Prevents Tooth Loss

As you age, natural wear-and-tear can cause your teeth to become less sturdy. Cavities, which are holes that form on the surfaces of your teeth when exposed to bacteria, are one of the most common reasons for tooth loss in adults.

Another common reason for tooth loss is gum disease caused by plaque buildup around the gums. Plaque is a sticky coating that builds up on your teeth and causes decay when it mixes with food particles between brushings or dental visits.

The longer you wait to take care of these issues, the more likely they will worsen. The better you care for your oral health now (by seeing a dentist regularly), the less likely these situations will occur later down the road!

5. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation occurs when the body's immune system tries to repair itself after an injury or infection. However, it can be harmful if it doesn't subside as planned.

Inflammation helps us feel better by improving blood flow throughout our bodies (including those where we've been injured). It reduces swelling, removes dead tissue (like scabs), and kills bacteria that could cause infection if left untreated.

It's worth it to go to the dentist.

You can avoid tooth loss and gum disease by visiting your dentist regularly. Dentists can also detect cavities early, preventing them from becoming more severe issues later on. Suppose a dentist detects a cavity early enough and treats it appropriately. In that case, there's a good chance that the cavity won't progress further.

Going to the dentist is also beneficial because it can help you avoid tooth decay and gum disease that can lead to heart disease.

Plus, going to the dentist regularly helps in another way: reducing how much discomfort you're in when brushing your teeth. Brushing too hard or improperly could cause damage over time (especially if there are already sensitive areas). Visiting your dentist can help you get a refresher on the best ways to brush your teeth.


After reading this blog post, we hope you learned something new. For those who've been putting off a trip to the dentist, there's never a better time than now to make an appointment!

If you're looking for a dentist in Winnipeg, contact us today.


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