Oral Sedation for Dental Anxiety: Overcoming Fear of the Dentist
If you’re searching for a sedation dentist in Winnipeg, read on to learn how oral sedation can help you overcome your fears and take control of your dental health.
Tooth Extraction: When Is It Necessary?
At Lumi Dental, your trusted dentist in Winnipeg, we specialize in comfortable and efficient dental extractions, including wisdom tooth removal.
Exploring the Different Types of Dentistry
There are many different types of dentists that specialize in different procedures and services. Here is what every patient should know about the different types of dentistry.
Oral Health Tips For a Healthy Smile
The benefits of a healthy smile reach far beyond the aesthetic. Here are 8 oral health tips for a healthy smile.
Understanding Dental Restoration
Dental restoration is the process of replacing missing or damaged teeth. This procedure is performed to improve your oral health and functionality.
5 Reasons to See a Dentist Regularly
There are many reasons to visit your dentist regularly. Here are five reasons why you should see your dentist in Winnipeg at least once every six months.